Home PowerApps PowerApps and Sharepoint List-Identify which detail item has already been updated in PowerApps?

PowerApps and Sharepoint List-Identify which detail item has already been updated in PowerApps?

by Prathy Kamasani

In one of my recent project, I did a fair bit of PowerApps. PowerApps was the front end, Share point list was backend and Power BI as a visualization tool. Users will be using PowerApps App to update the Sharepoint List.

Basically, I have a gallery in PowerApps, when the user clicks on the gallery item, edit form gets updated with detail data and the user can input their comments which will write back to share point list. More like a survey! But different items comments get updated at a different time by different people. For better user experience, I wanted to differentiate items with and without comments.

There are several ways we can do this, my colleague randomly said maybe we can use a different background for all updated fields. And that was a fantastic idea, so let’s see how I did it.

So here is my basic PowerApps screen with a gallery item and detail form.

By default price is blank, I want the user to see all items with price with a different background. And I updated the Fill option of the data card to use conditional formatting by using the lookup function

If(LookUp( Table1_1, ID = ThisItem.ID, Price )="",RGBA(0,0,0,0),LightGray)

Now user can quickly differentiate item with price and no price.

Again, there are several ways we can customize the app, but I love the fact that I can pretty much customise any possible thing in PowerApps using expressions. I can see more and more use cases with Power BI and PowerApps integration and I am hoping to write more posts on PowerApps.

Hope it helps someone out there !

Prathy 🙂

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