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Power BI Template

Back in September, I promised I would write another blog post with a beautiful looking Power BI template. Even though I did the model long ago, I did not get a chance to write a post until recently one of my blog readers reminded me. Thanks, Martin 🙂

Quick Recap:

As I mentioned in my previous blog post Calling Power BI API using Power BI Desktop to document Power BI Service, we can get a lot of metadata from Power BI service. I feel like, it is essential to have an overview of what’s happening on your tenant. The only place I know to get this information is Power BI API. I used Power BI API a data source in Power BI, I needed a bearer token to get any data from Power BI Service, so I used “https://login.windows.net/common/oauth2/token” URL to get the token. Which mean I looked at two different URL’s which restricted me to manual refresh in Power BI Desktop than having an automated schedule. Hopefully, it will change shortly.

You can use this template to answer many questions like:

  • Show me all dashboards in my organization
  • Total number of reports in the organization
  • Users who have admin rights
  • Number of refreshes
  • Number of failures
  • Why some refresh failed
  • When was the last time a certain dataset refreshed, if it’s failed why
  • And many more…

Template to Document the Power BI Service:

You can download the template here – https://1drv.ms/u/s!Avm7gbgZtlMlqGprbKHS6zHd0aPf

Above download link has a zip file with PBIT file and a CSV file. CSV file has user details required for authentication. This blog post covers the approach I used to call the API – https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/powerbi-developer-register-app/.Once you updated “UserDetails.CSV” file with essential information, save it to your preferred location.

When you open the template, you will see a pop message asking Full path of the UserDetails file, e.g. C:\Users\xxxx\OneDrive\xxx\PBI Portal\PBI\UserDetails.csv. Enter file location and click on the Load button. That’s all; it should just work. Sometimes, you may get a timeout error. Most of the times refreshing again will do the trick if not go to edit queries and choose “Refresh All queries”.

The first page has drill through functionality enabled where it shows the lil driller icon. Are you impressed with above screenshots, want to know how I designed this model? Find it here – https://wp.me/p5u6Pw-AQ 


Remember, you can see all data points only if you have enough rights and level of access is maintained through Azure App. Also, you can only retrieve the data from workspaces where the username you used to call API has the access. This Power BI model gives exposure to a lot of information but not all. Using this model, I can find all users who have access to a Workspace but not to Power BI Apps. If you want to know all users on your tenant, use Graph API as I showed here – http://prathy.com/2017/11/find-power-bi-users-organisation/. Ideally, I would love to see an OData compatible API like Microsoft Graph API so that I can schedule the refresh. Also, I don’t think we have an endpoint to get Power BI Apps or username of data source connections. Power BI hides Username in data source connections, so this would be something handy to understand which username we used to set up the data source. You may have noticed many placeholders, I would like to add much more information to it, and design reports a bit nicer.  If I make any changes to the template, I will keep this post updated or write another with changes. Hope this helps someone out there! Thanks for reading 🙂

Keep smiling,

Prathy 🙂


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When it comes to writing, I have the least trust in my writing skills. I always wanted my blog to sound more like a personal journey than some docs, whenever I look back mostly it doesn’t. I hope at least this post will sound like a journey. I am not an expert with visualizations; this post is all about my thought processing when I designed this template. Presentation slides or Power BI templates are like babies, you like yours. So, I would really like to hear your feedback on my approach. Feel free to use the comments section or send an email to Prathy@outlook.com

For me, one of the hidden pleasures of working with Power BI is working with colours and choosing the layouts. Of course, primary usage is the ability to design something to promote data-driven decisions in an organisation. I am not encouraging anyone to splash lots of colours on to your report. Designing reports in Power BI remind me of my Digital scrapbooking days. An empty page looks like a blank canvas except, the gesso smell. While I work with business obviously I follow branding and give importance to the user input; when it comes to my templates like my previous blog post “How to find all Power Users” and “POWER BI TEMPLATE TO DOCUMENT THE POWER BI SERVICE“, it gets difficult I keep on change things. This Template is still an unfinished project. I don’t think it will ever get finished. However, I learned a lot while creating this one. Hopefully, I will use my learnings in the future blog posts.

Let’s look at the first Page:

I usually create background images, decide the layout and then use that image as back ground in Power BI. I used image background for this template too. The background colour and left pane are part of image background. I could use frame and all other things as an image as well. That will look and work better. Although for this template, I kind of went with the flow and it was too late to change to the image. Frames: The sole reason behind the Frames was just because I like Frames. Anyone who worked with Power BI can easily guess why I went for the frame which has a lil gap on the top. It’s because of that little bar you get on top of every visual in Power BI  https://ideas.powerbi.com/forums/265200-power-bi-ideas/suggestions/12247677-optionally-remove-focus-mode-box

I tried following a pattern with the look and feel of below image

Most of the times, I used left pane for slicers or any valuable information I wanted to show. I kind of followed inverted pyramid concept, but excluding the left pane, I suppose. Colours: I have various data categories and I wanted to differentiate all those categories with different colours. I looked for popular colour combos and went for the colours I used in the below image. You can find popular colour combos here – https://www.colorcombos.com/popular-color-combinations/2

Pushpin affect, that’s just to show off my digital scrapbooking tact. I used treemap visual and layered that with a pushpin image.

The left pane, there is a lot of information here. Bottom table is something unnecessary, I needed something to fill up that space so I added by creating a calculated table. It’s a bit misleading or needs a better naming. It has Failed, Failures
Today and I also have a dynamic title with failure information. I was duplicating the same content which was not a wise choice.

Next comes the drill through affect: I added a drill through icon to show users that it has Drill Through functionality. Not sure that’s doing any justice. When I googled for drill through, that was the first image came up in my search feed also it was a perfect image to add a background colour. As I wanted to follow my pattern, so I went for colours which were good to show black foreground. When the user uses navigates to drill through page, that page will have the drill through icon background colour theme. Each frame which has some characters are separate table visuals. I formatted them to show like labels.

First, I changed Column Headers Font colour and Background colour to the background I used in the left pane, next increased Row padding to 11 so it aligns nicely with my drill icon. Then bottom to top, I formatted them to send Back, so when the user right clicks to choose drill through it will not interfere. Only when a user clicks on the table, they will be able to see the column header interfering with previous one otherwise it looks nice. Then I used a ribbon chart to show the number of refreshes and number of failures by Date to get an overview. Another pattern I followed is on each page, I added Last refresh data time, obviously to show when was the last time report refreshed.

rest of the pages are pretty much similar apart from few extra affects.

Page Workspaces:

Noticeably assorted colour pattern. Then, I used Bookmarks functionality.

I added an effect like clicking check boxes. Basically, I had several visuals on this page, I created three bookmarks by selecting the visuals I wanted to show. Then on each relevant bookmark, I went for ticked checkbox image than an unticked one. So when users access it using Power Bi service, it will look like a proper checkbox. You can find more information about bookmarks here – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/desktop-bookmarks

Page Datasets:

Two noticeable approaches here are, using images and numbers to highlight some measures. I used https://www.iconfinder.com/ to get all my icons and I think, they do stand out quite well. Then, I used slicers as a lil button with full frame and I edited interactions to work only with the chart. I also separated them with other visuals using lines so it kind of explains they belong to chart only.

Page Gateways:

I have a lot of placeholders here. I do want to add more information from Gateway Data source query. One noticeable thing I did here is, in the Gateway contact information, I was showing a green circle to show it is live.

I am using an image reference here. I created a measure with following DAX

Status = IF(Gateways[Gateway Status]="Live","https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/Ski_trail_rating_symbol-green_circle.svg",Blank())

Then, I updated table properties to use image height as 24, 24 is the minimum in the current version.

All rest of the pages are similar, nothing too exciting. Hope it gives some ideas to someone out there. Let me know what you think about it.


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If you are the goto person for Power BI in your organisation, then I am sure at least once you may have been asked about Power BI users question, I get asked many times. Of course, I can go to Power BI Service, check each workspace and Power BI Apps and see who has access to what; not a productive way when I am working with many workspaces. Or as I blogged before, I can use Power BI API to get all users data, probably a better way when I am working with many workspaces. If I share content using Power BI Apps and given access using security group, It gets difficult to understand who has access to what, who is a member of what groups.

If you have enough rights, you can view users information and members of which groups in Office 365 portal, again not a very productive way.  However, by using Power BI and Graph API, we can create a report to show all users information. I will be able to see all users who have Power BI license. I can slice this data by Location, Team and many more. It’s not only Power BI; I can view all other licenses. For example, Power Apps and Microsoft Flow. Now I can easily see who has access and monitor users and license, If you want to know about Graph API and how to use it with Power BI, check out my earlier blog post – Access Microsoft Graph API using Power BI.

The Template:

By using Microsoft Graph API, I created a template, where you can see all users, their groups and their license details. You can download the template here – https://1drv.ms/u/s!Avm7gbgZtlMlqB12UF4WXFGzzgXk .

Using template:

When you open the Pbit file, you will see a pop up window with two parameters.

Enter these values Graph API URL = https://graph.microsoft.com/  and Graph API  Version =  beta. After a while, based on size, the template should get populated with data.  If you want to understand the logic behind the template, carry on reading …

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SharePoint is a killer; front end looks nice and beautiful. Once you start exploring behind the screens, that is when it shows the true colours. Whenever you view a list in the SharePoint mostly, you are looking at a SharePoint list View, so it does not show many underlined columns, not even columns with their real names. When you use SharePoint list as a source for a Power BI model, apparently it extracts all the information from the backend, which means you see far more columns than you expected and most of the times column names look obscure.

For example, look at following columns, how anyone can interpret s6hu meant to be column Jan-17

Original Name  Display Name
Title AI Number
cybf Aug-17
Notes1 Notes
s6hu Jan-17
a6ua Feb-17
dnxw Mar-17
uv0g Apr-17
yqkw May-17
ContentType Content Type

If you have faced this problem, want a quick fix, then just download this template. It should rename columns with display names wherever possible, or you may want to read rest of the post, you will know how I created the Template.

SharePoint List Power BI Template

Step 1:

First I created two parameters one for SharePoint URL and one for SharePoint list ID.

[ Description = "Sharepoint List URL" ] SPListURL = null meta [IsParameterQuery=true, Type="Any", IsParameterQueryRequired=true];
[ Description = "Sharepoint List ID" ] ListID = null meta [IsParameterQuery=true, Type="Any", IsParameterQueryRequired=true];

If you are not sure about getting List ID follow this URL or download this template – Get Sharepoint List ID’s. I used following M Code in the Get Sharepoint List ID’s template.

#"SharepointList IDs" = let
    Source = SharePoint.Tables(SPListURL, [ApiVersion = 15])

Bingo, you get all lists from the given SharePoint site.

Step 2:

Once I know the URL and ID, I created another query with following M Code

 SPList = let
//SPListURL is the URL of sharepoint list
Source = SharePoint.Tables(SPListURL, [ApiVersion = 15]),
/* ListID is the ID of Sharepoint list */
SPList = Source{[Id=ListID]}[Items],
#"Keep only FieldValuesAsText column" = Table.SelectColumns(SPList,{"FieldValuesAsText"}),
RecordColumnNames= Record.FieldNames(#"Keep only FieldValuesAsText column"{0}[FieldValuesAsText]),
ExpandColumn= Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Keep only FieldValuesAsText column", "FieldValuesAsText",RecordColumnNames)

I navigated to the list I want to import data from, chose FieldValuesAsText column only. FieldValuesAsText has text representation of all list data. Then I used function Record.FieldNames to get all values from Record. This makes it easy for future proofing. If any user changes columns in the future, Model will be clever enough to know the new column names. Then Expanded FieldValuesAsText column with the RecordColumnNames list.

Step 3:

I referenced the previous query and this time extracted all available column names using function Table.ColumnNames. Later I am going to use this query to join the query from Step 4.

 ListColumnNames = let
    Source = SPList,
    ColumnsNames= Table.ColumnNames(Source ),
    #"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(ColumnsNames, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error)
    #"Converted to Table";

Step 4:

I created another query with the same source as step 1 but in this query, I navigated to field ContentType and then Fields. Apparently, this is where SharePoint hiding all its secrets 🙂

 Title = let
    //SPListURL is the URL of sharepoint list
    Source = SharePoint.Tables(SPListURL, [ApiVersion = 15]),
    /*    ListID is the ID of Sharepoint list       */
    SPList = Source{[Id=ListID]}[Items],
    #"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(SPList,{"ContentType"}),
    ContentType1 = #"Removed Other Columns"{0}[ContentType],
    Fields = ContentType1[Fields],
    #"Removed Other Columns1" = Table.SelectColumns(Fields,{"EntityPropertyName", "InternalName", "StaticName", "Title"})
    #"Removed Other Columns1";

Step 5:

I think this step is where the important stuff is.

First, I did a left outer join with ListColumnNames (Step3) and Title (Step 4) on EntityPropertyName and Column1. Then expanded and removed unnecessary columns. I ended up with Origin Name and Title (Display Name name in the SharePoint list). Then I created a custom column with a List of original column names.

In step 6, I want to rename all columns based on the display columns, but if we have duplicate columns or if there is already a column with the same name, Table.RenameColumns function will fail.

So I created a custom column with a list of original column names to see if the column already exists. Then I used List.Contains to check if the column already exists and I filtered out all columns which already exists.

In the end, I left again with Original Name and Title but excluded duplicates and columns already exist in the SharePoint List, then I transformed rows to list using Table.TransformRows function.

RenamedColumns = let
    Source = Table.NestedJoin(ListColumnNames,{"Column1"},Title,{"EntityPropertyName"},"Title",JoinKind.LeftOuter),
    #"Expanded Title" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(Source, "Title", {"EntityPropertyName", "Title"}, {"EntityPropertyName", "Title.1"}),
    #"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Expanded Title",{{"Column1", "Original Name"}, {"Title.1", "Title"}}),
    #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Renamed Columns", each ([EntityPropertyName] <> null)),
    #"Removed Other Columns" = Table.SelectColumns(#"Filtered Rows",{"Original Name", "Title"}),
    AddListColumns= Table.AddColumn(#"Removed Other Columns", "Custom", each Table.ColumnNames(SPList)),
    CheckNameAlreadyExists = Table.AddColumn(AddListColumns,"TF",each List.Contains([Custom],[Title])),
    #"Filter already existing column names" = Table.SelectRows(CheckNameAlreadyExists, each [TF] = false),
    #"Removed Duplicates" = Table.Distinct(#"Filter already existing column names", {"Title"}),
    #"Removed Other Columns1" = Table.SelectColumns(#"Removed Duplicates",{"Original Name", "Title"}),
    MakeAList= Table.TransformRows(#"Removed Other Columns1", Record.FieldValues)


Step 6:

The final step for the template!

Again I referenced my query from Step1, SPList. Then used function Table.RenameColumns to rename columns as display names.  That’s all! Your lovely SharePoint list is ready for the transformations and analysis.

 #"Sharepoint List" = let
    Source = SPList,
    RenameColumns= Table.RenameColumns(Source,RenamedColumns,MissingField.UseNull)

Summary :

Lately, one slogan I have heard among people is “We are in digital transformation”. The first place they start or probably the easiest place to start is moving all important Excel workbooks to SharePoint Online then analyse them using Power BI. But it was not that simple to make it work, at least not for me. I could write stories about it. I hope I will find some time to write about my adventures of successfully scheduling a Power BI Model with SharePoint list data source…

Sometimes you face irritating problems, If a user changes a column, it breaks the model, because of renaming columns to friendly names as it looks like in the Sharepoint List. I can’t imagine the frustration of a user when a model brakes with a name change error. Luckily I did not work with really wide lists. But with the very first model I designed with SP list, I realised this issue. My best friend google betrayed me, and I left with no choice other than exploring all the metadata I extracted from Sharepoint List.

This Template helped me to speed up the process. Now I don’t need to create Models for users; if they want they can design their own models, the way they want. It’s a win win 🙂

It’s not only me; there are other are others had similar issues



I hope this helps someone out there. This is just a workaround; it worked great for me, hope it works for you too 😊

Sharepoint Power BI Template  – https://1drv.ms/u/s!Avm7gbgZtlMlqCHE55X7yJaDuBx0

Until next time,

Prathy 🙂


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